Fourth quarter sales would’ve been big, in a post-2001 world Blue and Red would’ve scored an above-average score on metacritic, and the corporate big-wigs would’ve accumulated barrels more money to roll around in at night. Honestly the team at Game Freak could’ve stopped there and commercially, the game would’ve succeeded. Coupled with the ability to converse and trade with anyone else into the scene, the game delivered in spades for those of us whose lives revolve around lists. Between catching, collecting, and learning the minute details of 151 detailed creatures, analyzing the game’s inherently deep battling system, and exploring every nook and cranny of the extensive Kanto region the game never pigeon-holes the player into any one style of play. Proving even as early as ’96, Nintendo had its finger on the pulse of what components made games great.įor the completionist, this is their virtual playground.
Those that are the admitted completionist, the antiquated equivalent of someone who aims for the full 1,000 GS on the latest 360 title (or platting for my PS3 folk) and those that choose to wander not because they’re lost, but because of the pu re explorative urge they get to see everything the world has to offer. Pokémon, in my eyes, appeals to two camps. Instead developer Game Freak one-uped the fledgling industry by making the game about the visceral emotions that have long inspired human beings to create, relate, compete, and acquire knowledge, and for that reason, along with its exceptional use – and expansion of – traditional role-playing elements, Pokemon Red and Blue remain one of the greatest games in the history of the medium.

There’s no need for plot synopsis in this review, the overarching plot of the game was never its focus, nor even a concern. With shocking plot twists toward the end of the game, players will have to keep the will to win the battle against the strongest train er and become the best until three years later, when Pokemon Gold and Silver will renew the journey in a brand new region with 100 new Pokemon to find and catch. Fuji, defeating an evil gangster corporation that steals other trainers' Pokemon called Team Rocket, and have a friendly competition with a rival along the way. A simple plot of collecting Pokemon and Gym Badges to become the greatest trainer ever will lead players on a journey meeting many friends, such as Bill and Mr. A great time, and less expensive than it's mirror image counterpart Pokemon Red, this game will allow you to catch 140 of the original 150 Pokemon, there is no worry of having to get games from another generation to complete the Pokedex.
It is an excellent game, great music, very fun, any fan of the series should really consider buying this.